Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sweet Surprise on April 7th

It's another over due post again, this time because I've been busy doing orders and preparing for Inacraft 2011, aside from my tween just finished the school exams and thought he can rule the lappy before another exams next week, sigh...

Anyway, it was on April 7th. Early in the morning I left a message on Skype for hubby, to say "Happy Anniversary". Yep, it was our 15th anniversary. Hubby replied, thanking me for being there for him all this time and said a surprise is coming.

Later that morning, people from the hotel came, brought something in the box for me. Remembering my hubby's message, I thought, that's the surprise my hubby was talking about and the hotel people confirmed it.

I opened it after they left and what's inside brought tears to my eyes. This is what I saw:

Now tell me, how can I eat that chocolate topping with those sweet words on it?

It's a pretty big strawberry cheese cake, much too much for myself (my son doesn't eat cheese cake), so I just shared it with my land owners and ibu Pia's family (my extended family) .

Hubby's not a romantic person, that's why the words become so special to me.
Plus, these past several months we've been apart, I've never realize how much I miss him, until that day.

Love you dear hubby, I always will.
We've been through ups and downs, tears and joy...
It's been 15 years...
May Allah bless our marriage, our life, our family and everybody, more and more in years to come, amiin...


  1. aku sampe berkaca2 bacanya teeeh.. terharuuu T_T
    hepi eniperserii :) semoga makin samara, aamiin!

  2. Amiiin, makasii doanya mb Ina :)
    Aku juga jadi numben mellow hari itu...

  3. Happy belated anniversary ya mbak, semoga rahmat Allah SWT selalu menyertai kehidupan rumah tangga mbak, amiin.

  4. Thanks so much mb Hany, amiin buat doanya, huugs :)


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