Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blog Award

Thanks to my dear friend, mbak Ina of Feathering a Nest for this award, I'm so happy and honored :)
Hmm, 7 things about my self... see if I can make it 7, since actually, I'm a boring person, lol.
Ok, let's start then...

1. I'm and always been a "musical" person, though my journey in music world have ended long, long time ago, lol. I sing almost every where, while I'm working, traveling, in the shower (lol)... or just listen to it if I don't feel like singing.

2. I'm easily touched, a mere sad news on tv can make me cry...but I love a good laugh too

3. I was really terrible in doing craft, in my younger years. So, many people (who know me from my younger years) kinda surprise that I do what I do now, especially because my former job didn't have anything to do with craft ( I was a hotelier). But not my father, he said I probably got it from my late granny, she was said to be a good embroiderer.

4. I'm not particularly chatty, but if I meet someone that clicked, I could chatted her up all day, lol...
That's funny, considering I was once make a living by chatting (as a radio DJ at Oz and Chevy FM Bandung).

5. I love babies, since obviously I only have one son and he's a young man now.

6. It seems that I like 2 opposite things; fairy tales and horror movies

7. I always got a kinda star-struck if I met crafter(s) that I admire and always love to meet them in person

Done !
Now I'd like to give the awards to my other dear friends:

1. Aphrodita Wibowo of Cemprut
2. Audi Lee of Rockonaudi.
3. Cindy Reynolds of Coolshirts2cheap
4. Puri of Ideku Handmade
5. Mbak Tarlen of Vitarlenology

Thanks again for the award, mbak Ina !


  1. Turns out we have quite something in common :D
    ternyata mantan DJ ya mbak, mantan anak gaul hehehe

  2. Wkwkwk, ya mb, anak gaul, tapi gaulnya cuma sama microphone, hahaha...

  3. waaaa.... aku dapet aku dapet... terima kasiiiiiih...

  4. Hehehe, sama2 mb Dita :)
    Dapet untuk yg ke 2 atau ke 3 ya?
    Btw gimana kemarin Pasar Nova nya?

  5. My pleasure mb Puri,hugs juga :)

  6. wah mba... shoutboxku baru kebuka, jadi aku baru liat link ini... thanks loh buat awardnya.. aku jadi dapet dua kali..:)

  7. Sama2 mb Tarlen, mb memang pantes dapet dua kali, abis kreatif banget siih ;)


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